The Attribute

Al-Raheem is the one who bestows Mercy, the dispenser of Grace, upon those in need.  The mercy of God is both perfect and inclusive.  God – great and glorious – dispenses His Mercy upon all of His creation, whether they are deemed to deserve or not.  Tradition states that God has commanded Himself to bestow multitudes of Mercy upon His creation even though we may deserve His wrath.

According to Imam Al-Ghazali, man’s share in this attribute ‘lies in not turning away from any needy persons without meeting their needs to the extent of his ability, nor turning from any poor in his neighbourhood or town without committing himself to them and ridding them of their poverty – either from his own wealth or reputation, or by interceding on their behalf with another.  And if he be unable to do all that, he should assist them by prayer or by showing grief on account of their need, in sympathy and love towards them, as though he were thereby sharing in their misfortune and their need.


This Masjid was the second ISCF Masjid established in the summer of 1999. It is located on Old Winter Garden Road, between Pine Hills Road and John Young Parkway, and serves the large Muslim community working and living in the West Orlando area.

Click Here for Masjid al-Raheem Operations Fund

Imam Hicham Janouane
4962 Old Winter Garden Road
Orlando, FL 32811
Ph: 407.523.7882